This is the exact same reason why you can’t lift weights once and get very muscular looking. It takes time for the system to change for the long term. The good news is that it usually starts getting out of pain quickly. But to truly correct a problem, we need to look at all the moving parts.
Bones don’t just move on their own, some sort of stressor like a movement or even emotional stress causes a nerve to become irritated. When a nerve is stretched, pinched or just irritated, it causes a muscle to pull unevenly and out of place. This causes the joint to become uneven, the pressure to start accumulating on the disc and that causes inflammation. All of those things cause the nerve to become more irritated, which causes the muscles to pull harder, the bone to move further out of place and so on and so on. Eventually if this isn’t taken care of the bone structure starts to become rigid and arthritic, the muscles begin to build scar tissue (what people feel like muscle knots) and the body numbs itself to the pain even though the problem is still there. The spines ability to move is what generates energy for your brain- like a windmill. The less the structure moves, the less brain activity is produced.